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Sudden Oak Death Education

Questions to determine the need to submit a homeowner sample in Washington State

1) The plant displays leaf blight, defoliation, or stem die back symptoms similar to those shown in the photographs.

a. Yes- go to 2

b. No- Sample can be discarded

2) What plant is affected?

a. The plant is a camellia, rhododendron, pieris, kalmia, viburnum, or lilac purchased since 2002- Submit sample

b. The plant is growing next to a camellia, rhododendron, pieris, kalmia, viburnum, or lilac purchased since 2002- go to 3

c. None of the above- unlikely P. ramorum. Sample can be discarded.

3) Is the plant a known host of Phytophthora ramorum?

a. Yes- Submit sample

b. Sample can be discarded