Sudden Oak Death
General information
Sudden Oak Death
- Global Invasive Species Database
- USDA-APHIS P. ramorum website
- California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) website – Complete, up to date information about SOD mostly relating to California but including links to other areas
- P. ramorum outbreak on larch in the UK – Get the latest news on the P. ramorum situation in the UK, where the disease has spread to larch and other conifers.
Hosts and identification
- P. ramorum host list from USDA-APHIS
- Symptoms on various hosts (USDA-APHIS)
- P. ramorum IPM guides for the home gardener on HortSense:
- Sudden Oak Death (Common Diseases)
- Do I have P. ramorum? Sample submission guidelines
Phytophthora diseases