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Washington State University
WSU Puyallup Ornamental Plant Pathology

Meeting Photos 6/29 – 6/30

Meeting Photos 6/29 – 6/30

150_350smDSC07540 Susan Frankel making introductory comments. Photo: M. Elliott 150_350smDSC07541

Dave Rizzo, Mark Stanley, and Matteo Garbelotto. Photo: M. Elliott

150_350smDSC07543Prakash Hebbar, Jennifer Falacy, and Anthony Man-Son-Hing. Photo: M. Elliott 2011-06-30_11_150 Kamyar Aram, Nik Grunwald, and Sarah White. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing
2011-06-30_15_150 Everett Hansen and Jaesoon Hwang. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing 2011-06-30_16_150

Prakash Hebbar and Mike Schell. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing

2011-06-30_23_150 Bob Edmonds and Steve Tjosvold. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing 2011-06-30_35_150 Kelly Ivors. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing


Contact: Gary Chastagner, 253-445-4528 | WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center, 2606 West Pioneer, Puyallup, WA, 98371-4998 USA Last updated January 2, 2013

Field trip to former nursery site 6/28

Field trip to former nursery site 6/28

150_350DSC07537 Gary Chastagner describing the positive salal find outside the nursery. Photo: M. Elliott 150_350smDSC07539Dan Omdal, WA DNR, presenting poster on monitoring of the Sammamish River (Everett Hansen in background). Photo: M. Elliott 2011-06-28_150 Former nursery site visited on the field trip. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing 2011-06-29_3_150 Sandra Rekward, WSDA nursery inspector and Cindy Cooper, nursery inspection program supervisor. Photo: Anthony Man Son Hing



Contact: Gary Chastagner, 253-445-4528 | WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center, 2606 West Pioneer, Puyallup, WA, 98371-4998 USA Last updated January 2, 2013

WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center (PSP)

WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center

2011-06-30_150 2011-06-30_37_150 2011-06-30_40_150 2011-06-30_56_150

Photos: Anthony Man Son Hing

Contact: Gary Chastagner, 253-445-4528 | WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center, 2606 West Pioneer, Puyallup, WA, 98371-4998 USA Last updated January 2, 2013



Tuesday, June 28th Pre-workshop Tour 1 pm – Depart for afternoon tour of positive Gig Harbor, WA salal site (car pool from WSU Puyallup Allmendinger Center)

  • WSDA/USDA-APHIS – History and site mitigation
  • WA DNR – Dan Omdal and Amy Kroll, poster presentation relating to the Sammamish River
  • Return to Puyallup at about 5:00 pm

Wednesday, June 29th Workshop – Developing effective, economical and environmentally acceptable ways of limiting Phytophthora ramorum spread via contaminated nursery run-off 8:00 am – Registration 8:30 am – Welcome and Introductions 8:45 am – Overview of water issues – Mark Stanley Moderator

10:00 am – Break 10:30 am – What have we learned from water baiting? – Susan Frankel Moderator

Noon – Lunch and walking tour of WSU Puyallup Low Impact Development Research and Demonstration facilities led by Craig Cogger 1:30 pm – What have we learned from water baiting? Continued

2:30 pm – Risks and impacts to WA – Panel Discussion

3:00 pm – Break 3:30 pm – Approaches to reduce the risk of spreading inoculum in water – Marianne Elliott Moderator

5:00 pm – Adjourn Thursday, June 30th – Disrupting the water pathway: Recommendations for prevention of P. ramorum spread via water Task:  Discuss recommendations to prevent new P. ramorum introductions via water 8:30 – UK update – unknown risks? –  Gary Chastagner, WSU 9:00 – Discussion of recommendations for positive water, notification –Gary Chastagner, WSU 10:00 – Break 10:30 – Preventing run-off – nursery scenarios – small groups – Marianne Elliott, WSU 12:00 – Lunch 1:00- Report out – share solutions 2:00 – Questions & answers –  Steve Tjosvold and others Break Research, education, outreach and other needs – Susan Frankel, USDA FS Meeting wrap up – next steps 4:00 pm  Adjourn

Contact: Gary Chastagner, 253-445-4528 | WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center, 2606 West Pioneer, Puyallup, WA, 98371-4998 USA Last updated January 2, 2013

Photo Galleries

Photo Galleries

If you have photos you’d like us to include on these pages, send them to Marianne.


Contact: Gary Chastagner, 253-445-4528 | WSU Puyallup Research & Extension Center, 2606 West Pioneer, Puyallup, WA, 98371-4998 USA Last updated January 2, 2013